A bit more on the referral round.
David Plumley – 8th Dec 2011
The referral round is potentially the valuable part of the weekly meeting and thing I want to emphasise today it that we can all bring something to the table every week.
On average we pass over 30 referrals a week with some able to bring 3 or 4 or 5 referrals on occasion.
However, if we don’t have a referral there is rarely a time when we can’t bring something else.
Let’s look at the list of things we can bring
- Referrals themselves of course
- We can take a few seconds to thank the 10 minute speaker
- Thank you cards … we must not neglect to keep track of work we have done as a result of a referral and then to hand in a card which gives the value … along with the name the referrer
- If a member has done good work for us or for a client or family member we should take the time to provide a testimonial on our own letterhead. Testimonials can then be used on webs and in other forms of promotion.
- Then we have the 1-2-1 slip to fill out if we have had a one-to-one session in the past week
- We can also take the opportunity to give brief details of a visitor we hope to bring next week or in the near future
- Lastly we can also very briefly mention a potential referral that we are working on
If you really have none of the above do resist the big “no-no” … which is to say, “Sorry, I have no referrals this week”. Rather, simply state what a great meeting it has been and thank the 10 minute speaker … and then sit down.