Chairman’s Blog Tuesday 13th August 2013-08-13
Two people back from holiday, two more away and therefore numbers at the same level as the last two weeks.
Paul Booth stood in as Education and Development Officer and delivered the Education slot. The theme this week was how the performance league was calculated and he went onto emphasise the various areas where points were scored. A useful reminder for all of us. Although the performance league is intended to be a bit of fun it does represent a wish list of things that members can or should do to help themselves and the group and maintain its momentum.
With this in mind we moved into the 60 second round. Scott Griffiths kicked off with a description of the fact finding that he went through with all new clients. Apparently he has, amongst his wealth of clients a toilet hirer. I had not thought of hiring toilets. Mine all came with the house or were subsequently replaced with me paying the full price. It somehow makes me sit easier on the seat. The other problem of hiring toilets and presumably changing them on a regular basis is that you have to do a lot of decorating and it was decorating that Robert Mayes was pitching for this week as an ancillary activity to the main building work that they carry out.
Jason offered his services of installing electronic additions to your car. He leaves no wire “clutter” when he carries out his work to your car and indeed offers his services for clearing up your wire “clutter” if you have any. Clearly his theme was “clutter” as he started his offering with the words… “morning, morning, morning”. One morning would have done it would have been less “cluttered”.
Anne Clarke emphasised the importance of VAT Returns whilst Adam Hotson, perhaps in anticipation of his 10 minutes only spoke in general terms of his accountancy services.
It was Stuart Oldham who put forward an interesting package that he is producing with his PC Solutions, providing a package of hardware for a PC’s hosted site, cloud storage and support. It was not a dissimilar offering to what we do at Quality HR.
It was left to Nige Kirby to produce the props, these included a couple of instruments which were apparently magnetic and a rather interesting probe. It was not quite clear how this was used but interesting nonetheless . Stuart awarded the Oscar to Robert Mayes for a clear approach in requesting a specific area of work, well done Robert.
Nige Kirby was announced as last month winner of the performance league and he continued his momentum with an array of referrals and acknowledgement of money slips. Let’s make sure he does not win this month!!!
Before the referrals round however there was the 10 minute presentation. A very carefully crafted explanation by Adam Hotson of his business, the areas that they cover and finishing up with an explanation of his services that were available as a registered auditor. A very effective 10 minutes that not only emphasised what he did but introduced a particular area to us and generally left us much better informed as to the extent of his services. A good performance.
So it was that the meeting wound itself away to a close. The scrambled egg was almost as good as last week’s and for those who like their bacon well done, Jason got special treatment.
What became clear to the meeting was that Nige Kirby, as well as winning the performance league and dominating the referrals round sent out about 20 invitations through the website and I hope and think he might well have stimulated several of us to try and emulate this endeavour.
I look forward to seeing you all next week.