Chairman’s Blog – Meeting Thursday 15th November 2012
Relatively low turn out this week with 23 members and 1 guest, Richard Everett, a Contract Carpet Cleaner.
The highlight for breakfast was the beautifully soft scrambled egg. Whilst eating this exquisite delicacy I discovered a method of testing for softness (or otherwise) without tasting or even pushing a fork through it. It involves dropping a mushroom into the pile of egg from a height of about 3 inches. If the mushroom bounces or rolls off the egg is firm to hard. If it drops into the mixture with a satisfying plop….and stays there it becomes one of those tantalising breakfast pleasures that so frequently escapes me. Are you “hard eggers” sufficiently stung to respond? Talking of eggs – don’t forget your nominations for “Good Egg of the Month” as requested by Howard Bullock.
This week Nick Cooke rose to the challenge of delivering the Education Slot by emphasising the importance of good business cards which he distinguished from bad business cards and not so good business cards. He spotted eyes glazing over and promised another episode for us to look forward to that might clarify matters further. This was only a taste of what was to come, however. When his name was called out for his 60 second rendition Dawn Ribnell stood up and acted as his agent in extolling the virtues of insuring peace of mind over whether a wall was going to fall down or not. It was with trepidation we awaited Dawn’s contribution when Nick rose and in D’Artagnan like fashion pressed the virtues of one of the three (or was it free) marketers….. towhit Dawn. All very confusing for the casual listener, but for the person (Nick Morgan) awarding the Oscar it was positively mind blowing. He could have saved himself a lot of anguish if he had chosen someone else, but in the end awarded it to Dawn/Nick – or was it Nick/Dawn. Congratulations to them, however, for their collaboration. They are only the third pair to link up in this way. May I invite all other members to consider similar link up for the coming weeks – points will be awarded.
The 60 second round otherwise was less confusing, but perhaps slightly Dickensian. Terry Maylin was offering his services to help Landlords remove horrible Tenants whilst Kevin Brooks told of refurbishments that involved inspecting dead bodies neatly laid out wherever he went. It was all enough to make you want to put your hands in your pockets which Graham Thurston did – both hands; both pockets (old habits die hard). Heaven knows what will happen when it really gets cold.
As prelude to her excellent 10 minutes Marcelle Saad sang the praises of Topaz. Whilst I could understand a gem stone being called Topaz I was left a bit confused as to what you would call two such gem stones – Topazes. Your thoughts ………………….
As Christmas approaches Scott Griffiths becomes noticeably more excited and excitable. Don’t forget to visit his Father Christmas web site and the telephone line number 0203 2900895. Please let me know if you recognise the celebrity who is playing Father Christmas.
And so following an interesting 10 minute presentation by Marcelle we moved into the referrals round knowing that just under £19,000.00 worth of recorded business had been shown today which is excellent.
And so it was that the meeting drew to a close. Watch out for the bushy moustaches next week.
May I end with 2 pleas:-
1. All members make the effort to turn up next week. Let’s have a full turn out if for no other reason than to allow me with clear conscience to limit my scrambled egg consumption.
2. Last week there were 14 comments to this blog – thanks for the interest – can we manage more this week?
I await hearing from you all with interest…
An excellent meeting as always. Well done to our newest member Chris for bringing a visitor.
My preference is hard scrambled egg.
The visitors name was Anthony Everett, not Richard.
There looks to be alot of business for him.
Yes another excellent meeting. I’m hoping to have a visitor for next week – a graphic designer. Come on then… who has called that number and identified the voice?
Yes, the numbers were a little down on the usual count but still a good meet with plenty of networking done – as reflected in the value of business done. I’ll see many of you again at the “Business to Consumer” power group meeting on Monday 19th (5pm at The George & Dragon, Mountnessing).
As for what passes as egg – it’s never looked anything like what I know to be scrambled egg and I wouldn’t touch it with a barge pole. Each to their own.
Yes excellent meeting and very informative 10 minutes by Marcelle… looking forward to next weeks sloppy egg already!
As Alan Shaw might say -This was a great meeting which I neither saw nor heard as I was unable to attend due to a prior commitment. I particularily missed the breakfast – I am neither to hard or to soft man myself. I am of course referring to the scrambled eggs and not myself .Somewhere in the middle is about right erring towards the soft. Does that help
The whole Dawn/Nick-Nick/Dawn thing has left my mind more scrambled than Aidan’s eggs. In future I will take a more hard boiled approach.
Great meeting as always. Remember that next week the Movember Madness will be just that little bit more bushy! Let’s have a full house.
Scrambled egg is a matter for drawn swords.
First … only EGGS please … no milk. Maybe a small amount of cream, but please no more scrambled milk.
Next, the flavour changes totally if the eggs are overcooked and bullet-like. Not runny or sloppy mind you, but SOFT and fluffy. Then all you need is a blob of butter and some salt.
A few delicate strips of smoked salmon also go down well. Or a little grated cheese sprinkled at the end …YUM!