Chairman’s Blog Thursday 10th July 2014.
A good turnout, 20 members plus 1, Vivienne’s guest Aaron Foster who deals with commercial property investments;
The Ed Slot had David Plumley, back to basics and extolling the virtues of 1-2-1. His challenge for everyone, to arrange a 1-2-1 before they left the meeting, seemed to have a fairly good take up as I spotted people scurrying around at the end of the meeting and making appropriate arrangements. Congratulations to David for a very focused, productive Ed Slot.
In a topsy-turvy sort of way I will begin my description of the 60 second round with the Oscar winner- Marcelle. She extolled the virtues of the Ruby which is the stone for the month of July. It is apparently chromium that gives it its colour, useful for 40th wedding anniversaries and a most valued Ruby type colour is “pigeon blood”. The fact that I was interested to note the above facts down explains why she won the Oscar, awarded to her by last week’s winner Michael Adelizzi who immediately followed her and talked of low level baths and high level toilets. I am sure I was only one of many with the mental image of people transferring to the latter to the former.
Peter Hood has been changing nappies and burping, this he declared made the breakfast a departure from his normal routine although I had noticed the burping at previous meetings.
Dean Caldon talked about houses (‘cos Howard suggested it) Howard Bullock talked about pensioners (‘cos Dean suggested it). Alan Moller talked about electrical installations (‘cos he thought that’s what people would suggest if asked).
Richard Reed talked of cruises, in particular a company that was having a summer sale that take boats to places that other cruises don’t reach. It would appear that this accessability is gained at the expense of size. Although the word “cosy” cruises comes to mind, in fact the company is called Crystal Cruises and a cruise is yours from £2,000 upwards (come on Richard you can’t get a better plug than that!!!).
David Plumley was not going to let us off the hook after his very effective Ed Slot; he maintained his up beat manner by getting excited over “network sockets” and someone called NAZ who sounds like someone who is going to join a Jihad, but is in fact something that is very useful to small businesses (I do have some trouble concentrating at times in the early morning). Indeed as my concentration waned only certain things pierced my consciousness which were as follows:
Tina said she has 30 years of experience;
It was Stuart Smallcombe’s wedding anniversary;
Kevin Brooks has been installing a lift to take someone’s mother in law up into a loft…I did expect him to get more referrals in the light of this particular area of expertise but members were restrained in this.
That’s enough of the 60 second, round suffice to say it was upbeat lively and entertaining. Surely it could not get better…but it did! In the10 minute presentation Nick Cooke produced a memorable presentation. First of all he set himself up with a small “occasional table”…yes that’s right, one that you only see occasionally. This table contained the following items; cup, saucer, teapot, telephone and bottle of wine. Yes, I own up to it, I was once a contestant on Bull’s Eye. Anyway he proceeded to receive a telephone call when he had a discussion with what I think was an imaginary caller seeking his services. His caller thought he needed a Home Buyers Report from a surveyor. Nick was having none of it, he explained to the deluded individual that he needed a structural engineer who would be able to provide advice on the structure of the house he was proposing to purchase. These presentations can always be open to ridicule and I certainly am not going to miss out on such an opportunity but this telephone call was well prepared and was an excellent presentation. There was thererore a spring in his step when he did the running in the referrals and testimonials round.
There were finally 14 referrals and business written of £36,750 which sets us on course for a good July.
One or two little extras to report on this week;
Paul announced the results of the keepy –uppy completion but only after Michael Adelizzi had given us a demonstration of his own particular skills in that area. Most of us completed our test prior to breakfast and demonstrated more putty-downy rather than keepy-uppy skills. I think I recall Peter Hood making double figures but the winner, despite doing it whilst wearing a suit, was run away with 39 thus fuelling the suspicions that many of us have, that Dean Caldon is not only a look alike for Mehmet Ozil but is the man himself who had popped back briefly from his world cup duties to brighten up our morning. It perhaps explains why Howard Bullock had to tell him what should be the subject of his 60 seconds. Don’t worry Dean your secret it safe with us.
With every benefit comes a burden; I was the lucky beneficiary of the Good Egg Award for June and I thank all those who voted for me. I just hope that the votes weren’t prompted by the burden side of the award, namely the responsibility of looking after the egg until it is delivered back for next month’s award in the first August meeting. The responsibility doesn’t just extend to the egg, there is a rather attractive stand and the bag that is was purchased in. It should be safe in my lounge provided as it is sitting comfortably on my mantle piece…unless I have a keepy-uppy completion in said lounge.
A truly great meeting, let’s see if we can repeat it next week.
An outstanding meeting. Nick showed us how to do aa great 10 mins … We would all do well to prepare that thoroughly. Also, who thinks that Aidan’s weely blogs should be printed and bound for posterity … they are always well observered and witty
Yes guys & gals it was a very good meeting that featured (David) a triple AAA 10 mts from Nick (def. better than AA). I’ve suspected “Dean” for some time now but only a professional can keep the ball up for 39 touches whilst wearing a suit and with no prior practise!!
I am, indeed, very indebted to Aidan for the additional plug for my cruising all inclusive summer offer, thank you.
With lots of business done as usual surely there is now no doubt that we are the best networking group around!!